Webinar on : Child | Data | Citizen

Dear Friends 
Happy New Year! We hope you are keeping safe and well.
We would love to see you many of you on the 20th of January for a virtual get together. We will be talking about…
 Child | Data | Citizen
what are the implications of building a society where data traces are made to talk for and about citizens across a life time? 
Join us on 20 January 1730 gmt. We will be talking with anthropologist Veronica Barassi (author of Child Data Citizen) about children’s data traces and their social and political implications in the age of big data and artificial intelligence. By engaging with critical question about algorithmic bias, AI ethics and data justice, the book asks what are the social and political implications of building a society where data traces are made to talk for and about citizens across a life-time? And how can we protect ourselves when we realize that the ‘predictions’ and narratives that algorithms construct about individuals are reductionist, discriminatory and – in the case of children pre-emptive representations of who they are? 
Sign up here, and please pass on to colleagues and friends! 
We would also like to recommend: 
  • You might have heard about this recent court case involving Deliveroo. The court (Tribunale del Lavoro) found that Frank, the algorithm used to assign rides to the company’s riders, was discriminatory. Full info here. Really worth taking a look as this ruling set an important precedent.
  • Michelle Lee who talked about fairness at an event we hosted in the Autumn invites you to take part in this survey. Great if you can contribute!
    As part of her PhD, she has developed a risk assessment questionnaire to identify the potential sources of unintended, unfair biases throughout a machine learning model development lifecycle. I’m currently validating the questionnaire with industry practitioners to assess its usability. If you have any interest in ML fairness and ethics, she would love for you to see the questionnaire and contribute your thoughts and feedback.
  • Join WaiACCELERATE, a historical program designed and supported by women for women and led by WAI Germany!
    WaiACCELERATE is open to women from all professional backgrounds; prior technical knowledge is not required. High motivation and commitment to learn are the key requirements. Info here, and the application form can be accessed here
 We look forward to seeing you on the 20th! 
The Team. 
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